Without a doubt this has become the biggest downfall of the forums. No, not the newbies, but the long-standing (and not so long-standing) members that continually whinge about it.
If those same members put the same amount of effort into creating a comprehensive list of FAQ links as they do whinging about newbies not reading the old posts then there simply would be no issue. And it's always the same ones moaning too - dagsyk, blkstk, swedrock, kooruno, from_da_streets and it pisses me off reading it more than it does the newbie asking the questions in the first place. I mean how difficult is it to simply ignore the post if you're not going to bother helping the guy/gal?
I think the above offender's forget that they were newbies once and looking back at their first posts I don't see any of their senior members telling them to read read read. In fact, swedrock and blkstk in particular both asked their fair share of "basic" questions that could've been easily answered if they had read the old posts but no-one got shitty with them for asking them so I think it's well out of order that they treat newbies the way they do. Furthermore, swedrock contacted me several times via PM asking for my help and guidance over "basics" for which answers could've been found in the old posts but I never once told him to go away and do some research of his own.
It seems that certain members have developed extremely large chips on their shoulders and go about the forums like they own them, scoffing at anyone that dares to speak if they either a) have less posts than them or b) have been a member for a shorter time than them. It sucks big style and that is the real reason why the forums have gone to shit.
I don't see this ever changing though and as time goes on it'll only get worse to the point where the forum will just be full of bitching and no useful posts.