Oh dear, not this shit again...
GROW UP FFS! What is it with you guys, acting like babies?? Okay, galinya went a bit OTT with his tongue in cheek posts and one post would've easily sufficed but there really was no need to throw all the toys out over it and end with the most immature comment ever: "this is my last post ever on these forums". I thought that only 2 year olds did that?
First it was dagsyk who did this, then it was er, dagsyk again, then it was umm, oh dagsyk again, then someone said something blackhawk didn't like and he said he was never gonna post again and now Pickles.
I like Pickles because of his very inventive ways of doing things which are always "outside of the box". I also like blackhawk's posts because they're always 18 pages long and make for excellent bedtime reading, so come on guys, get a grip and keep us entertained with your posts and stop being so sensitive!