Thursday 4 September 2008

CA for sale for a mere $10m !!

Ooh yes please, I'll have 2 please!

Give me a break, are they for real??!! Who the fuck do they think they are?! Just who is going to pay $10,000,000 for a website that knocks out a few photoshopped bank statements? Bwahaha. I really thought this was a joke when I saw it posted on the forums but then CA Management come along and reply "hmmm, let me take a look at that" as if they don't know anything about it! Too funny...

I don't know if anyone looked at the link in any detail but in the blurb it claimed $2,000,000 per month in orders. Right, so that's £1m in real money - what exactly were these orders?? The UK DL (probably their most popular product) is no longer on offer so that means that the orders are pretty much made up of bank statements and util bills and advanced profiles. Let's make some rounded figures - bank states and utils at £50 a piece and profiles are £2k, now you do the math and tell me how many of those they'd have to sell to make £1m in orders per month? It's complete and utter bullshit.

Anyway, all that has changed now as CA Management have woken up to reality that they haven't got a hope in hell of getting anything like that so now it's for sale to the member's for a mere quarter of a million quid now. Of course, all the forum brown noser's have crawled out of the woodwork and all want a piece of the cake thinking that they're buying into some kind of gold mine. Bwahaha. Naive is an understatement...