Tuesday, 10 February 2009

New discussion forum

Several people have suggested that I set up a discussion forum where we can all chat about stuff so I've set up a temporary one on one of the free forum hosting sites which will do the job for now and serve as a meeting place.


Be aware that it's obviously not on a secure server or anything so I suggest using proxy's if you most anything of a sensitive nature.

Tuesday, 27 January 2009

Scammable.com denies association with CA

Only a few hours after writing the post below do I see that scammable.com has now added a notice on their site :

To All Members

We will shortly be back online!

We have had a number of emails from members about whether we are associated with ConfidentialAccess..
For the record, this site has no association whatsoever with ConfidentialAccess

In addition, we are not interested in members who are lurkers who just take and never contibute. Bearing in mind:

1) We have nothing to sell
2) We do not charge a monthly subscription fee

Just like our welcoming email said, no community ever flourished with lurkers sitting in the cheap back seats.

Thanks to all our members for their support.


Scammable.com Team

Well, well. So if they are nothing to do with CA then where did they get my email address from that I have only ever used to register on the CA forums and has never been given out publicly?

It's all bullshit! They are either being run by CA or being run by the feds, period.

Monday, 26 January 2009

So.. is this the end of confidentialaccess.com?

So 3 months have gone by since the alleged Hong Kong "raid" and still no signs of anything happening on the restructure of CA. All we have is a non-descript "we are restructuring and will be back" message on the site which has now been there for 3 months. Considering the fact that CA were looking for buyers for the site only 2 months previous to this one could be forgiven for thinking that they'll decided to call it a day and it's also a handy excuse to do a runner with the punters' money who still have orders outstanding for like the past 10 years or whatever the current backlog is..

As mentioned in the comments of the previous post, they did appear to resurface at one point. On 11 January I received an email from "Scammable Com" (scammable_com@yahoo.com) :

Subject: ConfidentialAccess.com Forum DEAD? Try - SCAMMABLE.COM - FREE UK forum!!


Welcome to Scammable.com!

Scammable.com is a FREE UK focused forum about Money, Banks, Credit & Credit Profiling, Free Living - Controversial Secrets, Tips and Tricks!

This forum is for free-thinkers, free living and like-minded people to get together and share ideas and tips on often controversial topics.
We intend for this forum to be a friendly place where members treat each other with courtesy and respect.

Many of the tips are such that the banking and credit industries would prefer you didn't know about.
In addition to learning about such matters, also to protect ourselves. Forewarned is fore-armed.

It goes without saying that the material in this site is for INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY.
We do not condone any fraudulent activity.
However you choose to use this information is your responsibility. Please keep this in mind before posting in this forum.

We hope during your visit you will learn lots of new stuff and contribute equally.

Hope to see you as a new member.

All the best,

Scammable.com Team

Now this was quite interesting simply because the only place where I'd used the email address where this mail was received, was at CA. Therefore this email had to have come from someone who has admin access to the CA forum member list because my email address was not publicly available. Now the only 2 "bodies" that have access to that info are CA themselves and the cops who confiscated the servers. According to CA our personal info was always safe and their servers were using the latest blah-blah encryption and we had nothing to worry about etc but if that is the case then why has there been NO announcement of "their" new forum mentioned anywhere on the CA home page? Strange indeed! This leads me to believe that scammable.com is a sting site set up by the cops who confiscated the equipment.

Further evidence (of sorts) can also be found here : CA have nothing to do with scammable.com

Caxess replies:

This is absolute Bullshit, CA have nothing to do with scammable.com.

Currently CA are awaiting a legal decision before re launching services.

A legal decision on what, exactly? Do they really think that they can somehow convince the authorities that what they do is completely legal and the authorities will say "oh ok then" and hand them all their stuff back? Seems so.. I think they need to wake the fuck up and get real. When authorities send a team of boys over to the other side of the world to confiscate a load of hardware to bring you down then no amount of quoting the law book at them will make an iota of difference.

They should just admit defeat to get them off their back and then just register a new domain and start over, but not put all their eggs in one basket this time. In my opinion if they really wanted to continue they would have set up a new site by now and have been back in business. If your income stream is $200k per month (like they claimed on that website sale site) then you don't sit on your arse waiting for "legal decisions".

Looking at the visitor stats for this blog it seems like quite a number of people are now aware of it so any thoughts on me getting a new discussion forum set up for us all? I reckon that a lot of us already had our own sources for DLs, bank statements, utils, Tax Codings etc prior to joining CA so if we all club together with what we can offer each other we can get back in the business of making money? I have a contact that can do top quality old style UK DL photocards with the DVLA pearl-EX overlay but haven't mastered doing the UV Crown imagery on them yet (they work fine for Abbey apps as they only require a photocopy) and I can do 2008-9 Tax Codings, A&L statements and Barclays statements all myself. What about you guys?
